

Engineering Design

  • Buildings
  • Shallow – Deep Foundations
  • Ground Improvement / Treatment
  • Underpinning
  • Water Filtration and Drainage
  • Borrow Areas – Damping Sites
  • Embankments
  • Excavations
  • Slopes and Landslides
  • Geosynthetics (Design and Application)
  • Ground Water Management
  • Retaining Structures
  • Road / Airfield Pavements
  • Tunnels – Underground structures
  • Dams – Hydraulic Projects
  • Port Structures / Offshore Geotechnics
  • Instrumentation
  • Landfills
  • Bridges

Geotechnical & Geological Investigations

  • Programming of Investigations
  • Inspection of Geotechnical Works
  • Interpretation of Investigation Results
  • Sampling Boreholes: on-shore / off-shore
  • Trial Pits
  • Special Sampling Works
  • In situ permeability Testing
  • Standard Penetration Tests (S.P.T.)
  • Plate Loading Testing
  • Wagon Drillings
  • Cone Penetrometer Testing
  • Pressuremeter Dilatometer Testing
  • Trial Embankments
  • Borrow Areas Investigations
  • Geophysical Investigations
  • Physical Properties Laboratory Testing
  • Engineering Properties Laboratory Testing
  • Chemical Properties Laboratory Testing

Consulting Services

  • Checking of Designs
  • Expert Evaluations
  • Observation / Interpretation of Instruments
  • Value Engineering
  • Preparation of Tender Documents
  • Evaluation of Contractors’ Offers
  • Project Management
  • Verification
  • Independent Engineer Services
  • Risk Assesment

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